The greatest secret in the Seven Worlds is finally revealed!

If you've been playing or reading the Seven Worlds campaign so far, you've been witness to the many incredible mysteries, secrets and conspiracies the heroes have stumbled on as they've gone through dozens of light-years (and more than 120 pages of awesome gaming content!) looking for a way to save humanity. Yet nothing so far can compare to what they'll discover in Chrysalis, the fifth module in the seven-part epic Seven Worlds campaign!

(plus, you know any product with this cover could never put your players in the way of any harm).

Module 5 - Chrysalis

In this chapter, after many grueling adventures the heroes finally reach Chrysalis, a bizarre place unknown to most humans. As the heroes attempt to overturn the political status quo, they discover the secret the leaders of Chrysalis have been working so hard to keep hidden: The existence of a weapon that could stop the Devourers once and for all!

If you were a Gamma-, Delta- or Epsilon-level backer you should have Chrysalis available as a new PDF in the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription you have received through DriveThruRPG/RPGNow. Haven't received your backer links and rewards yet? Did you fill out the contact survey so we could send you the rewards? If you didn't, contact me at for help.

If you were not a backer for the campaign modules, you can still purchase Chrysalis as a stand-alone module at DriveThruRPG/RPGNow, or as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription. Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book PDF (a 253-page one volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

Seven Worlds at Emerald City Comic Con!

Want to try out Seven Worlds? Live in the Seattle Metro area?

If you are attending the upcoming ECCC in Seattle, drop by the ECCC Indie Games Showcase! We’ll be running a convention-sized version of the Seven Worlds introductory adventure on Saturday, March 3rd, from 5pm-8pm; and on Sunday, March 4th, from 11am-2pm. Hope to see you there!